By Philip M. Parker
Whether you don't like crossword puzzles, you could prove loving those. Designed for mother-tongue or thoroughly fluent audio system of Italian eager to enhance their English abilities, the puzzles can also be enjoyable to English audio system. they're formatted in order that each one puzzle might be solved in 15 to half-hour. The vocabulary steadily turns into tougher throughout puzzles hence expanding the problem as you move. each one publication has a hundred puzzles and every puzzle covers a few 30 note pairs (equaling 3000 challenges!). those are really friendly, if now not addictive, crossword puzzles for language studying. studying a language is usually tricky. To ease the discomfort, tricks are supplied in small script on the backside of every web page, even though those are chosen to avoid an engineered approach to the puzzle. complete ideas are supplied at the back of the booklet. those beneficial properties (hints and verifiable solutions), strength the reader to decipher a word’s which means and serves to enhance vocabulary retention and realizing. One contemporary reviewer of this sequence famous “As a Peace Corps Volunteer … this is often certainly a enjoyable technique to sustain the language abilities … The sequence has tons of of "rarely spoken" languages, extensively unknown to us within the Western world.” one other reviewer notes: “Good instructor because it has phrases indexed lower than which are in puzzle so the clues are there if you want them.” Public area translations for Italian contributed to Webster’s on-line Dictionary utilized in those puzzles can have originated from uncited volunteers, local audio system, expert translators, box linguists and lecturers (not via the editor of the puzzles). if you'd like quotation for any translations, make feedback, be aware mistakes, or give a contribution in the other manner, please electronic mail Philip M. Parker at INSEAD, who will replace this sequence every now and then. replica rights are granted to educators.
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Org 60 Puzzle #56: Level 4 - Tricky 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 © Philip M. org Across 2 drogato 6 ippopotamo 8 riverire, riveriamo, riverisci 10 sporgere, sporgete, sporgi 13 ricamare, ricama, ricamano 17 spento 18 21 22 25 26 28 29 30 abbreviando nenia evirato autostrada rispettabilmente lavorazione a macchina spiegazzare lanoso, velloso Down 1 abile, destro, lesto 3 profumeria 4 urlatore 5 elegante 7 avvio 9 trombo 11 ottano 12 riaggiustare 14 ipossia 15 16 19 20 23 abbottonare taccola serpente a sonagli asessuato abituare, abitua, abituano 24 segheria 27 sanguina Solutions: accustom, adroit, bleeds, buttoning, crumple, curtailing, dirge, doped, emasculated, embroider, fleecy, freeway, hippopotamus, howler, hypoxia, jackdaw, machining, natty, octane, perfumery, protrude, quenched, rattlesnake, readjust, respectably, revere, sawmill, sexless, startup, thrombus.
Org 54 Puzzle #50: Level 4 - Not Very Tricky 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 22 25 26 27 28 29 © Philip M. org Across 1 2 5 6 7 fiala onnipresente fasciame, tavolato culatta tugurio, casupola, catapecchia 11 indice inferiore, pendice, sottoscritto 12 14 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 indisponibilità gracchiare rimontare fendere manovra, smistamento cancellatura compagno di gioco sopravvalutato vogatore carreggiate 29 fatturato Down 1 spietato 3 dispettosamente 4 rigurgito 8 potabile 9 inutilità 10 gruppo 13 lestezza, prontezza, rapidità 15 ingannato 16 timoneria 22 versamento, effusione 23 coccio 24 bramare 25 estorto Solutions: beguiled, bevy, breech, caw, cleave, covet, drinkable, effusion, erasure, hovel, invoiced, omnipresent, overrated, phial, pitiless, planking, playmate, quickness, reassemble, regurgitation, roadways, rower, shard, shunting, spitefully, subscript, unavailability, uselessness, wheelhouse, wrested.
30 words). org 54 Puzzle #50: Level 4 - Not Very Tricky 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 22 25 26 27 28 29 © Philip M. org Across 1 2 5 6 7 fiala onnipresente fasciame, tavolato culatta tugurio, casupola, catapecchia 11 indice inferiore, pendice, sottoscritto 12 14 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 indisponibilità gracchiare rimontare fendere manovra, smistamento cancellatura compagno di gioco sopravvalutato vogatore carreggiate 29 fatturato Down 1 spietato 3 dispettosamente 4 rigurgito 8 potabile 9 inutilità 10 gruppo 13 lestezza, prontezza, rapidità 15 ingannato 16 timoneria 22 versamento, effusione 23 coccio 24 bramare 25 estorto Solutions: beguiled, bevy, breech, caw, cleave, covet, drinkable, effusion, erasure, hovel, invoiced, omnipresent, overrated, phial, pitiless, planking, playmate, quickness, reassemble, regurgitation, roadways, rower, shard, shunting, spitefully, subscript, unavailability, uselessness, wheelhouse, wrested.