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E. Slyusarchuk, "The absolute exponential stability of linear differential equations of neutral type in a Banach space," Differents. , 16, No. 3, 462-469 (1980). 198. M. A. Soldatov, "On the properties of the solutions of linear differential-difference equations," Sib. Mat. , 8, No. 3, 669-679 (1967). 199. S. N. Sorokin, "Stability in finite differential systems of neutral type," Prikl. Mat. , 40, No. i, 44-54 (1976). 200. S. N. Sorokin, " P r a c t i c a l stability f o r constantly acting p e r t u r b a t i o n s of p r o c e s s e s of neutral type," T r .
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D. Bainov, 7Sufficient conditions f o r the stability of the solutions of equations of neutral type of an a r b i t r a r y o r d e r , ~ in: P r o c . Fifth Int. Conf. on Nonlinear Oscillations, Kiev, Vol. 2 (1970), pp. 166-169. A . M . Zverkin, "Existence and uniqueness t h e o r e m s f o r equations with deviating a r g u m e n t in the c r i t i c a l c a s e , " Tr. Sere. T e o r . Differents. Uravn. Otldon. A r g u m . Univ. Druzhby Narodov P a t r i s a Lumumby, 1, 37-46 (1962). 80. 81.