By Masaki Kashiwara
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Suisses. DAVID MUMFORD, Stability of projective varieties; 74 pages, 1977; 32 Fr. suisses. A. G. VITUSHKIN, On representation of functions by means of superpositions and related topics; 68 pages, 1978; 30 fr. suisses. TOPOLOGY AND ALGEBRA, Proceedings of a Colloquium in Honour of B. -A. Knus, G. Mislin and U. Stammbach; 280 pages, 1978; 75 Fr. suisses. CONTRIBUTIONS TO ANALYSIS, Papers communicated to a Symposium in Honour of A. Pfluger, 106 pages, 1979; 38 Fr. suisses. P. ERDOS and R. L. GRAHAM, Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory.
F = f A In particular If A is a good Lagrangean, then for any system on a neighborhood of a generic KA ord f' = - m(A)), - µ(A)/2 . w` 6(PA)IA = J n1. and Remark that fA and WA are homogeneous of degree -m(A) and - µ(A), respectively. ,V)1 A D is bA(s). In fact, if Pf s+ 1 = b(s) f S in 6' (D X, then (P P A 1 bA(s) - b(s)) f' = 0. This implies that P PA-1bA(v) - b(v) E 4). Hence 6(P Pn lbA(v)b(v)) I w = 0. If ord P PA 1bA(v) = ord P > deg b, then 6(P) K. = 0. Therefore P = P + P" with P" E Si and 6(P') < 6(P).
NcEUDS, TRESSES ET SINGULARITES, Seminaire des Plans-sur-Bex, Mars 1982; 260 pages, 1983; 75 Fr. suisses. M. KASHIWARA, Introduction to microlocal analysis: 38 pages, 1986; 25 Fr. suisses. *Serie des Conferences de 1'Union Mathematique Internationale.