By Rashid A Ganeev
This e-book bargains a assessment of using prolonged ablation plasmas as nonlinear media for HHG of high-order harmonic iteration (HHG). The e-book describes the various experimental methods, exhibits the benefits and barriers relating to HHG potency and discusses the actual methods that occur at longer interplay lengths, together with propagation and quasi-phase matching results. It describes the newest techniques to harmonic iteration within the severe ultraviolet (XUV) diversity with using prolonged plasma plumes, and the way those fluctuate from extra commonly-used gas-jet resources. the focus is on reports utilizing prolonged plasmas, yet a few new findings from HHG experiments in slim plasma plumes also are mentioned. It additionally describes how quasi-phase-matching in modulated plasmas, as proven in fresh reports, has printed diversified technique of tuning more desirable harmonic teams within the XUV area.
After an advent to the elemental theoretical and experimental features of HHG, a evaluate of crucial result of HHG in slender plasmas is gifted, together with contemporary stories of small-sized plasma plumes as emitters of high-order harmonics. In bankruptcy 2, quite a few findings within the program of prolonged plasmas for harmonic new release are analyzed. probably the most very important purposes of prolonged plasmas, the quasi-phase-matching of generated harmonics, is proven in bankruptcy three, together with a variety of techniques to the amendment of perforated plasma plumes. bankruptcy four depicts the nonlinear optical good points of prolonged plasmas produced at the surfaces of other non-metal fabrics. bankruptcy five is devoted to the research of recent possibilities for prolonged plasma caused HHG. the benefits of the applying of lengthy plasma plumes for HHG, similar to resonance enhancement and double-pulse procedure, are mentioned in bankruptcy 6. eventually, a precis part brings jointly all of those findings and talk about the views of prolonged plasma formations for effective HHG and nonlinear optical plasma spectroscopy.
The booklet should be valuable for college students and students operating during this hugely multidisciplinary area regarding fabric technology, nonlinear optics and laser spectroscopy. It brings the hot researcher to the very frontier of the physics of the interplay among laser and prolonged plasma; for the specialist it is going to function a vital consultant and point out instructions for destiny research.
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The harmonic radiation was analyzed using the vacuum monochromator and was detected using the luminescent absorber (sodium salicylate) and photomultiplier tube (PMT). The Pb, Sn:Pb alloy, and Sn were used as the targets during these experiments. A three-coordinate manipulator made it possible to change the targets and to control the zone of interaction of the probe radiation with the plasma relative to the target surface. Various gases were inserted inside the vacuum chamber containing plasma plumes to analyze the influence of the dispersion properties of these gases on the variations of harmonic spectra.
Meanwhile, some harmonics, in particular the 9th one, showed less decrease, and the 5th harmonic became even stronger compared with the plasma formation at vacuum conditions. Approximately same features were observed in the case of insertion of the xenon gas, though a decrease of the 11th harmonic was not so pronounced. 3 Resonance Processes in the Plasma Plumes (a) Harmonic intensity (arb. units) Fig. 16 Variations of plasma harmonic spectra generated at different pressures of the gases inserted in the target chamber.
This fact can be attributed to the availability of a much wider range of target materials for plasma HHG compared to the few commonly used gases, which increases the possibility of the resonance of an ionic transition in the plasma media matching one of the harmonic wavelengths. The resonant enhancement of HHG was observed in the tin plasma using the picosecond heating pulses (Fig. 12a). 35 eV) was observed analogous to those reported in previous studies of this plasma medium [14, 38, 74]. However, in the present case a stronger enhancement of the 17th harmonic is observed, with an enhancement factor of about 10× compared with neighboring harmonic orders.