By Annette Keen
While Jake sees Maria within the Carnival gown, he understands it is love . He chases the flow in the course of the crowds - but if he ultimately meets Maria he will get an important shock.
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ANSWER KEY [peges e-c] 57 Hod}' language Her gestures are not linked to he r speech. She does not m aintain eye contact with her audience . She does not ap pear con fident. She ha s so me di stract ing gestu res. v isual aids She ha s a scree n bu t does not use it. Language knowledge a back in 1982 (fin ished) b since that date {uu finished} c some time ago (finishe d ) d over th e last few yea rs (u nfin ished) e no w ( presen t) f over the sa me per iod (u nfin ished ) g last yea r (finished) h ten years ago (fin ished ) in 1985 (fin ished ) since the n (u nfinished ) 2 a b c d 3 a back in th e cigluics b at th e moment c since Jan uary d last m onth e over the last few yea rs 5 l'd've liked to spea k for lon ger o n this subject, but I'm afrai d I haven't got eno ugh t im e.
D. c. h Minimize: a, b, f g 2 (ot her answers are possible) a This has been an ext rem ely/a very good year. b We have had a fairly difficult tim e/q uite a difficult time. c We have seen an abso lutely/a totally disas trous decline in our profits. d It was quite/fairly easy to achieve our objectives. e The ann o un cement was completely/ tot ally unexpected. f I've got so me very/ex t remely bad news. 3 (othe r an swers arc po ssible ) a We tend to sec thin gs differentl y. Maybe your experience is a little bit limited.
Hold a pen or pointer if yo u fed more co mforta blc -. hut don't pla y wit h it. Movement Don't sta nd co m pletely still c- a little movem e nt bet ween ta ble an d boa rd , or between notes a nd au d ience , is more in te resti ng . Don 't move a ro u nd too mu ch , o r th e audie nce may wa tch you instea d of listening to yo u! Posture Tr y to keep yo ur po st ure upright bu t relaxed . Look st raight ahead , not down at th e floo r or up at th e ceiling. 4 Version 1 Gen er al appearan ce: Stance and posture: Ha nds - position: Hands - gestures: Eye contact: Facial exp ress ion: Move men t: scruffy hun ched in pockets no helpfu l gestu res none depressed static- several nervous gestu res Version 2 Ge ne ral appearance: Sta nce and postur e: Hands - posit ion : Hands - gestu res: Eye co ntact: Facial exp ressio n: Movement: sma rt upr ight visible an d act ive clea r, hel pfu l gestu res a lot co nce rned, e nthusiast ic dynam ic ANSWE R K EY [pages j a-z] 63 5 a Th ese cost cu rs are goi ng 10 ca ux considerable pain.