By Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
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Mechanic: Agropol actually sent me to a course on irrigation maintenance. That's also where I learned to use computerized diagnostic equipment. 36 Answer Key Audioscripts Equipment dealer: I'm glad to hear that. We need someone who already understands the latest systems. Are you willing to take further courses if needed? Mechanic: Absolutely. I'm always eager to learn about new technology. Equipment dealer: Well, thanks for coming in, Pauline. I'll call you later in the week. Mechanic: That will be handy.
Salesman: I'd love to show you one, but we just sold out this past weekend. Customer: Oh no. Salesman: I have some two-mode hybrid models. One of those might interest you. Unit 14 Mechanic 1 (M): Hey, Sarah, check this out. A customer brought an electric car in for a service today. Mechanic 2 (F): Oh, yeah? I've never worked on one. But I'm not sure I like those cars. Mechanic 1: Why's that? I mean, they're really good for the environment. Mechanic 2: Maybe. But you can only drive, what, fifty miles on a charge?
Are you ready for your oral exam? Student (M): I sure am. I've been studying all day. Teacher: All right. We'll start with terminology. List three types of electrical measurements. Student: Okay. Three types are voltage, ohm, and amp. Teacher: Good. Now, explain the difference between an ohm and an amp. Student: Hmm, well, an ohm measures the electrical resistance in something, while an amp measures the strength of an electrical flow. Teacher: That's correct. So what's voltage then? Student: Voltage.