By Graham James Oscar Jameson
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Fredholm, monotonous, contractive, ... , and to find the corresponding axiomatizations. The resulting theories apply to problems on partial differential equations and bifurcation in functional equations. 3, p. 34), this was started by Caccioppoli in 1936. Years later, the idea was rediscovered and presented in a more rigorous general way by STEPHEN SMALE in [Smale 1965], making use of the non-oriented cobordism rings invented by RENE THOM in his outstanding foundational paper [Thorn 1954]. Smale's definition can be summarized as follows.
Coincidence of the local and global degrees. Determination of the global degree by homological invariants. Essential properties of mappings. Appendix. Comment on the Brouwer link number as a characteristic. The Gauss integral. The number of cuts as a degree. The link number as an order. The Gauss integral. CHAPTER XIII. Homotopy and mapping extension theorems §1. More on the Kronecker existence theorem. An extension problem for mappings into IRn. Reduction to mappings into §n. Elementary lemma on extension and homotopy of mappings.
In a footnote in the first page we read: While this paper was in print, the note by J. Hadamard, Sur quelques applications de l'indice de Kronecker, has appeared in the second volume of J. Tannery's Introduction it la tMorie des fonctions d'une variable. In that note some aspects of the theory we present here are anticipatedly developed. This once again confirms the mutual influence between the two mathematicians. Let now M and N be two n-manifolds, which we assume to be connected, compact, boundaryless , and oriented.