By Timothy J. E. Miller
A unified method of the elemental rules and practices of reactive strength keep an eye on in AC energy structures. Emphasizes voltage keep an eye on, variable so much, and transmission. Covers excessive voltage and distribution structures, plus reimbursement gear. contains many useful numerical examples and valuable formulation. offers with real-world difficulties and recommendations.
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Example text
H ughes. Thomas Edison. Pinfrssinnal Inrcnto, (London. IIMSO. 1976). iptei "Edison's M ethod in Inventing" in Dyer and Martin's Edison (2: "»96-628) is inform ed and considered, if not critical. G. P. " Harper s Sew Monthly Magazine 80 [1 8 89-90|: 425 -3 5 ) rehearses the familiar, but adds occasional helpful items as he tries to perceive how an inventor invents. M. A. " Ila ipci\ Magazine 165 (1932): 4 01-17) provides a scientist's appraisal which is not sentimental. it d H. " Synthesis I |I 9 7 2 |: 1-13) generalizes about the Edison m ethod from the case ol the alkaline battery.
P. Kelly and M. : San Francisco Press, 1978), pp. 168-82. 'T h e literatu re on th e n a tu re o f invention is volum inous, anti m uch o f it is w ritten by econom ic historians, sociologists, a n d h istorians o f technology. A m ong the m ost useful books a rc Ja co b S chm ookler, Invention and Economic Growth (C am b ridge. : H arv ard U niversity Press, 1966); S. C. G ilfillan. The Sociology o f Invention (C am bridge. T . Press. 1970); an d th e revised e d itio n ol A bbott P. U sh er. : H arv ard U niversity Press.
B e c a u se th e s tu d y u n it is a sy ste m , th e h is to ria n fin d s re v e rs e sa lie n ts a ris in g in th e d y n a m ic s o f th e sy ste m d u r in g th e u n e v e n g ro w th o f its c o m p o n e n ts a n d h e n c e o f th e o v e ra ll n e tw o rk . " T h e m e t a p h o r is a p p r o p r ia te b e c a u se a n a d v a n c in g m ilita ry f ro n t e x h ib its m a n y o f th e irre g u la ritie s a n d u n p r e d ic ta b le q u a litie s o f a n e v o lv in g te c h n o lo g ic a l sy stem .