By Charles Villa-Vicencio, Erik Doxtader
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Have such initiatives created a narional will and sufficient incenrives to address rhe underlying causes of confl ict that. for example. brough t Sourh Africa ro the brink of collapse and have plunged some other countries into social and politica l chaos? In many inscances. such iniciacives have contributed co the termination of overr forms of poli tical violence. creati ng a space where peace-building and social transformation ca n ra ke place. Evidence suggests that not all par ticipants in the conflict have co ntribu ted to th ese processes as hoped.
Questions of how well the process wo rked. how much of the past it u ncovered and how well it co ntributed to the provision of restorative justice remain importam objects of study to this day. AMNESTY'S DIFFICULT EQUATION Amnesty is a controversial and perha ps inevi tab le element of trans itiona l justice. In pos t-conflict situations. the need for amnesty is an ind ication of past criminali ty that can not be overlooked and evidence that democratisation frequenrly occurs in moments when the ru le of law is fragile.
Who was promoted to director in the new police force and placed in command of the VIP protection unir. asked permission to interrogate him. Kruser: What happened after you arrested me? Benzien: I didn't arrest you sir. perhaps you con fuse me. 49 Kruser: I KNOW YOU. It was you! Benzien: I do not remember ever arresting you. After Benzien repeatedly denied having arrested Kruser. the laner broke down. It was clearly too much for flesh and feelings. that th is experi ence which had nearly destroyed his life did not make the slightest imprint on Benzien's memory.