By Thomas Parke Hughes
Presented the Dexter Prize by way of the Society for the historical past of know-how, this e-book deals a comparative heritage of the evolution of recent electrical energy platforms. It defined large-scale technological switch and demonstrates that expertise can't be understood until put in a cultural context.
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Example text
H ughes. Thomas Edison. Pinfrssinnal Inrcnto, (London. IIMSO. 1976). iptei "Edison's M ethod in Inventing" in Dyer and Martin's Edison (2: "»96-628) is inform ed and considered, if not critical. G. P. " Harper s Sew Monthly Magazine 80 [1 8 89-90|: 425 -3 5 ) rehearses the familiar, but adds occasional helpful items as he tries to perceive how an inventor invents. M. A. " Ila ipci\ Magazine 165 (1932): 4 01-17) provides a scientist's appraisal which is not sentimental. it d H. " Synthesis I |I 9 7 2 |: 1-13) generalizes about the Edison m ethod from the case ol the alkaline battery.
P. Kelly and M. : San Francisco Press, 1978), pp. 168-82. 'T h e literatu re on th e n a tu re o f invention is volum inous, anti m uch o f it is w ritten by econom ic historians, sociologists, a n d h istorians o f technology. A m ong the m ost useful books a rc Ja co b S chm ookler, Invention and Economic Growth (C am b ridge. : H arv ard U niversity Press, 1966); S. C. G ilfillan. The Sociology o f Invention (C am bridge. T . Press. 1970); an d th e revised e d itio n ol A bbott P. U sh er. : H arv ard U niversity Press.
B e c a u se th e s tu d y u n it is a sy ste m , th e h is to ria n fin d s re v e rs e sa lie n ts a ris in g in th e d y n a m ic s o f th e sy ste m d u r in g th e u n e v e n g ro w th o f its c o m p o n e n ts a n d h e n c e o f th e o v e ra ll n e tw o rk . " T h e m e t a p h o r is a p p r o p r ia te b e c a u se a n a d v a n c in g m ilita ry f ro n t e x h ib its m a n y o f th e irre g u la ritie s a n d u n p r e d ic ta b le q u a litie s o f a n e v o lv in g te c h n o lo g ic a l sy stem .