By Alejandro D. De Acosta, Peter Ney
For a Markov chain {X?} with basic kingdom area S and f:S?R ?, the big deviation precept for {n ?1 ? ??=1 f(X?)} is proved below a at the chain that's weaker than uniform recurrence yet superior than geometric recurrence and an integrability on f , for a huge type of preliminary distributions. This result's prolonged to the case while f takes values in a separable Banach area. Assuming basically geometric ergodicity and lower than a non-degeneracy situation, an area huge deviation result's proved for bounded f. A critical analytical instrument is the remodel kernel, whose required homes, together with new effects, are validated. the speed functionality within the huge deviation effects is expressed by way of the convergence parameter of the rework kernel
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For, we have seen that αn (g) = νg Kgn−1 1C , and βn (g) = P (C, dx1 ) · · · P (xn−1 , dxn )e n j=1 g(xj ) · 1C c (x1 ) · · · 1C c (xn−1 )1C (xn ) = νg (IC c Kg )n−1 1C = νg (Kg − 1C ⊗ νg )n−1 1C , where for B ∈ S the kernel IB is defined by IB (x, A) = 1B∩A (x) = δx (B ∩ A). 2. 1(iii) holds. Let f : S → Rd be a bounded measurable function, ξ ∈ Rd . 1(iii) may be rephrased in terms of Λf (ξ), as follows: Λf (ξ) = inf{β ∈ R : HC (ξ, β) < 1}, LARGE DEVIATIONS FOR MARKOV CHAINS 35 where for ξ ∈ Rd , β ∈ R, HC (ξ, β) = EC exp[ Sτ (f ), ξ − βτ ].
4) ΦC (g, r) = EC exp[Sτ (g) + (log r)τ ]. 3. Let P be positive Harris recurrent and let C ∈ S + be an atom of P such that λ∗ (C) > 0. Then for g ∈ B(S), g < λ∗ (C)/2, ∗ (i) R(Kg ) < eλ (C)/2 . ∗ (ii) ΦC (g, r) < ∞ if r < eλ (C)/2 . (ii) ΦC (g, r) = 1 if and only if r = R(Kg ). Proof. 5, Λ(g) ≥ − g and therefore R(Kg ) = e−Λ(g) ≤ e ∗ λ (C)/2 (ii) If r < e g < eλ ∗ (C)/2 . ∗ , then g + log r < λ (C). Hence ΦC (g, r) ≤ EC exp[( g + log r)τ ] < ∞. (iii) We first prove that ΦC (g, eλ h = g − c. Then Sτ (h) ≥ 0 and ∗ (C)/2 ) > 1.
It follows that the rate functions in Theorems A and B coincide: φ∗f,ν = Λ∗f , and therefore {Pν [n−1 Sn (f ) ∈ ·]} satisfies the large deviation principle with rate function Λ∗f . 5(1)(b)(1ii) to g = f, ξ , we have: for each ξ ∈ Rd there exists a ψ-null set N (ξ) such that φf,x (ξ) = Λf (ξ) for x ∈ / N (ξ). Let D be a countable dense subset of Rd , and let N= N (ξ). ξ∈D Then N is ψ-null and x ∈ / N implies φf,x (ξ) = Λf (ξ) for all ξ ∈ D. 2), φf,x and Λf are finite functions on Rd . 8), applied to g = f, ξ , μ = δx and h ≡ 1, we have φf,x (ξ) ≥ Λf (ξ).