By Juan Horvathn
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Lcyc 2 ) acts on multiplicative nonsymmetric (resp. multiplicative cyclic) operads; 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 18D50, 16E40; Secondary 55P48. Key words and phrases. Lattice path operad, En -operad, iterated loop space, cyclic operad, Deligne conjecture, Hochschild cochains, Frobenius monoid. c 0000 (copyright Society holder) c 2009 American Mathematical 1 23 24 2 M. A. BATANIN AND C. BERGER (ii) the endomorphism operad of an algebra (resp. symmetric Frobenius algebra) is a multiplicative non-symmetric (resp.
Therefore n lim1 TorR 2 (R/m , M/N ) = 0. 1) to M/N gives L1 ( k M/N ) = 0. 4. If the sequence p, u acts regularly on the R-module K, then Ls K = 0 for s > 0. Proof. 1), it suffices to show that for all s > 0, n n TorR s (R/m , K) = 0. This can be deduced from the case n = 1 since R/m has a composition series with simple quotient terms isomorphic R/m. This case n = 1 can be directly verified using the Koszul resolution. Here is the main result of this Appendix which complements an example of [6]. 5.
BERGER (ii) the endomorphism operad of an algebra (resp. symmetric Frobenius algebra) is a multiplicative non-symmetric (resp. multiplicative cyclic) operad; (iii) the Hochschild cochain complex is obtained from the endomorphism operad by conormalization; (iv) condensation of L2 (resp. Lcyc 2 ) with respect to the standard cosimplicial (resp. cocyclic) object in chain complexes yields an E2 -chain operad (resp. framed E2 -chain operad). Property (iv) holds in any closed symmetric monoidal category equipped with a “good” cosimplicial (resp.