By James Eells
Those unique study papers, written in the course of a interval of over 1 / 4 of a century, have major ambitions. the 1st is to put the rules of the idea of harmonic maps among Riemannian Manifolds, and the second one to set up numerous lifestyles and regularity theorems in addition to the categorical structures of such maps
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5) are of th( is Completeness Recall that sequence in a metric is said to be a C a u c h y s e q u e n c e , integer k and completion if space X, satisfy with metric ^ ^ for the condition exists an i n t e g e r m,n > k . 1). t h a t for however, '^m'^n' it Λ filter Thus a s e q u e n c e F in D X F of of the discrete whereas in the c a s e filters satisfy in a s a Cauchy f i l t e r . c o n d i t i o n t o be s a t i s f i e d the satisfies of if the uniform t h e c o n d i t i o n are the t r i v i a l the uniform condition.
F subsets For s u p p o s e , of every finite runs through the f i n i t e F refinement belongs Hence an e n t o u r a g e of Given a each entourage these subsets suppose t h a t exists bounded. Zorn's by D - s m a l l Cauchy. 10). 11). only is it as sequentially that each complete, rather d i f f e r e n t sequentially to the sequence. reasons. elementary For m e t r i c spaces space that whereas complete the property X is canplete the r e a l line IR t h e open i n t e r v a l and s o n o t c c m p l e t e .
Therefore σ*σ G i s convergent, by t h e condition, * and s o h a s an a d h e r e n c e p o i n t . of G G, which t h e r e f o r e But uniform spaces. 17). l6). J Xj of x, where for Xj, also product. each index since π j (x) Xj = χj , j, is structure X Let Y the set ccmplete be a c o m p l e t e u n i f o r m y Y of functions we m e a n , of c o u r s e , of u n i f o r m c o n v e r g e n c e . be a u n i f o r m l y Cauchy i n to Y for φ (x) , Cauchy f i l t e r each p o i n t say. the function and s o subset froTi Φ X IlXj X space.