By K.H. Khalil
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3 mm diameter. Mixing of Two Coaxial Swirling Jets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Fig. 1. 37 Furnace cylinder Double concentric burner Swirler Secondary air distributor Primary air stream Electric heater segments Orifice plates Secondary air piping Control valve Overflow valve Air blower Electric motor Diagrammatic layout of the test rig. Experimental Results Experimental runs were carried out to get the effect of swirling one or the 1»ro streams and the direction of swirl on mixing· The following table gives the data of the different runs carried out.
This study, besides having the advantage of simplicity and accuracy in flow measurements, provides the necessary experimental data on actual mixing processes in furnaces. In the present stuo>, a cylindrical model furnace involving no chemical reactions is designed and constructed to provide experimental data on mixing between two axisymmetrical jets to simulate the actual mixing process in furnaces. Finally, a comparison is held between the experimental results and the predicted results given by the prediction technique of Itef.
4 . Contours of the normalized stream function (cold test-m a «355 kg/hr-*n a /m a j « 1 9 . 3 - s w i r l e r angle 6 0 ° ) . 10 X/D W F i g . 5. 3-S - 1 . 2 4 7 ) . Z. , as shown i n Fig· 7. 3). 0 . 3), a aj Figo 6. zone. Z. ( D r a ) , i t i s shown i n F i g . 8 that combust i o n reduces considerably i t s v a l u e . 0 20 30 25 35 1 A/F Fig· 7. Effect of a i r - f u e l r a t i o on the maximum diameter of central recirculation zone. 0 20 30 25 35 A/F Fig« 8 β Effect of a i r - f u e l r a t i o on the average diameter of central recirculation zone.