By Gert K. Pedersen
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35 nm. FIGURE 1-3 ■ Two different surfaces of a crystal of pure silicon. (1-5) Some prefixes, as used in milliliter, centimeter, kilogram, and megabyte, may be familiar to you. Once we have set up a standard unit—say, for length—we must work out procedures by which any length, be it the distance to a star or the radius of a hydrogen atom, can be expressed in terms of the standard. Rulers, which approximate our length standard, give us one such procedure for measuring length. We can use a ruler to measure another length by counting how many times the standard can be fit, laid end-to-end, to the other length.
See Figs. 1-13 and 1-14). Velocity (m/s) Digital Video Capture and Analysis Tools Fan Cart Motion Accel (m/s/s) Since the speed of ultrasound in room temperature air is known, the computer motion software can calculate the distance to an object by recording how long the pulse takes to reflect off the object and return to the sensor. This is similar to how a bat “sees,” and how some auto-focus cameras determine the distance to an object. This approach to measuring a distance or length is not unlike that used by international standards organizations to define the meter in terms of the speed of light.
D) Evaluate the cosine of 3°. 134 meters, what is the total length of these five rails when they lie end to end? 78 s. (a) What is the absolute precision of your measurement? (b) What is the relative precision of your measurement? ■ Problems S EC. 1-5 ■ THE SI STANDARD OF TIME 1. 0 ϫ 108 m/s, in (a) feet per nanosecond and (b) millimeters per picosecond. 2. Fermi Physicist Enrico Fermi once pointed out that a standard lecture period (50 min) is close to 1 microcentury. (a) How long is a microcentury in minutes?